Well I’ve been planning to start this blog for approximately forever, the year is almost up and I’m not finished editing the design but I thought if I don’t start writing now then maybe I never will.

The main purpose of this blog is to keep my family and friends up to date with my life here in Bali as I’m pretty bad at emailing or keeping in touch generally, apart from the odd status update on Facebook. Also after nearly a year of living here I’m starting to take it a little for granted (ie barely paying attention when a whole village is out for a temple ceremony)  and figure I should document a little about every day life and have an excuse to use my camera a little more! I’ve been a pretty terrible blogger since I left the UK – my travel blog has more gaps in it than posts but I really would like to get back into the habit as I love reading through my old blogs to see what I was up to years ago. Hopefully I can keep the enthusiasm to keep posting in this one and you can all get a bit of an idea what my life in Bali is like.

So looking forward to a new year and a new blog! Hope you all enjoy reading 🙂