Conversation between me and Made the other day:

Made – your stomach is really big!

Me – yeah I know, there’s a baby in there

Made – No I mean it’s REALLY big. It looks like it’s going to fall off

Me – ….

I don’t think I look *that* huge but there you go. Shocking news from my checkup on monday is that I have put on 2kg in 2 weeks. I don’t even know how that is physically possible. Guess it makes up for only being half a kilo up last time :p

Not so little miss is now measuring 2.7kg or just slightly under 6lbs. ie newborn size. She’s on track to be 10lbs by due date so at this rate i’m kind of hoping she’ll be early. Made is totally convinced she’ll be born before the 20th of October for some reason – I’ll be about 38 weeks by then so that would suit me fine. On the other hand it would kind of be nice to have a few days chilling out with my mum when she comes in november, which i’m not going to get to do if she’s already born. but unless she stops growing so much i’d rather have the early option.

oh well, guess she will come when she’s ready! Oh and no longer breech which is a good thing. hopefully she’ll stay put now.