Ok, technically I didn’t even get to 40 weeks because missy was nearly a week early but thought this would be a good excuse to look back on the bump growth…

so here is my progression from 17 weeks to 38 weeks and :

I didn’t start really showing for ages and after I got to about 30 weeks I didn’t really get much bigger – I never got a really huge bump. Also I managed to escape without any stretch marks! All in all think i got off pretty lightly on the whole pregnancy – i never had morning sickness and my only complaint was back pain to varying degrees of severity from about week 8 that disappeared instantly after the birth. It is so nice to be able to lie on my back again! Still got some work to do before i fit into all my prepreg clothes but my stomach is really not too bad atall – nothing like what i was imagining! Not sure if my boobs will ever go back to the way they were as they are massive now! But overall I’m pretty much back to normal.