Well I was wanting to wait until Maya was 26 weeks before giving her any food but seeing as papa keeps sneaking her totally unsuitable things like Mcdonalds icecream and also because we’re going back to England next month and I want her to be somewhat used to eating by then so she can share our meals, I caved and she’s been eating bits and pieces since 24 weeks.

Her first food was papaya which she loved and demolished pretty quickly. Then she had unsweetened natural yogurt (on a spoon by herself) which she wasn’t so keen on the first time and pulled the most hilarious sour faces but she ate loads the second time. She’s also had broccoli (not keen!) and banana (which kept her entertained for a good half hour) but her favourite so far is orange – I just gave her a wedge with the pips removed and she sucked it to death, and same goes for watermelon.

She’s also got the hang of her sippy cup now (we’ve been letting her play with it for a while). We tip it up and before she would just let the water dribble out of her mouth but now she swallows and drinks quite a bit.

I’m still a bit paranoid about her choking but so far so good and haven’t even had much gagging. She seems to be swallowing a bit too so it’s all going well so far!